You guys are weird af. you are those kind of people who respect higher status peope. even tho a person is right they will be rejected because of their lower level/status. pls get a life u piss of shit browdy.
just respect everyone ait.
the lawyer is Bianca Pellegrini. her ID: 10901 . she was the worst lawyer i ever had, i had few lawyer many of them was good but this one was the worst ever, she was on their side not on my side at all, she dint do anything. i would like to see the evidence too but they dint wanted me to show me...
sniper was legal why you took it?
i had maybe 4 guns 2 where illegal and i lost all of them ??
tell me why is that, i,ll give u 1million dolalr if u have good answeer
I got arrested for having illegal guns. i had 4 guns with me 2 of them was illeagl and the other 2 was bough from gun store i have gun licence too. they dinst even know wich gun was legal or illegal, i found those illegal guns on the hospital no joke 100% i dint even bought them, i got a lawyer...
Do i really deserve 120minutt in isolation in prison for this? this was accident, i wasnt even tryign to kill her, she was parking right in the street and i hit her accidently i could just revers all the way back but i was too lazy so i just drove the shortest way to my destination and and the...
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