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Search results

  1. William Schwarzenegger

    login problems

    I have an account on server 1 but when logging in it says the password is wrong but I can enter the forum with the same password
  2. William Schwarzenegger

    login problems

    How you fixed your problem
  3. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected RDM in city | İD:81035,80786

    they were already dating why did you shoot?
  4. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected pov request - 9599

    pov request
  5. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected Event Rule 1.3 | 19790

    insulting? where
  6. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected Event Rule 1.3 | 19790

    That's the rules baby of course it's none of my business
  7. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected Event Rule 1.3 | 19790

    I know the video has to have sound
  8. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected Event Rule 1.3 | 19790

    why is there no sound in the video
  9. William Schwarzenegger

    Approved 133403 - Rdm

  10. William Schwarzenegger

    Approved combat log - fail rp - 4988

    My friend was pointing a gun even though I stopped straightening and combat log !
  11. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected 6.25 rob in wrong territory | 19790

    its not ng safe zone bro admin was watching
  12. William Schwarzenegger

    Reviewed Ban for GR 1.8 | Aki_Sixninez

    yes vibe my money
  13. William Schwarzenegger

    Reviewed Ban for GR 1.8 | Aki_Sixninez

    Ban Appeal Aki_Sixninez : Since I don't have a friend, I only transferred 200 thousand from the bank to my other account and I was banned for 60 days, I didn't know that this was the result. I'm sorry I didn't read the rules properly, like I said, 200 thousand money I'm sorry, You can be sure...
  14. William Schwarzenegger

    Rejected Ban Appeal Aki_Sixninez

    Ban Appeal Aki_Sixninez : Since I don't have a friend, I only transferred 200 thousand from the bank to my other account and I was banned for 60 days, I didn't know that this was the result. I'm sorry I didn't read the rules properly, like I said, 200 thousand money I'm sorry, You can be sure...
  15. William Schwarzenegger

    Approved 128 - Combat log

    this is combat log
  16. William Schwarzenegger

    Approved 128 - Combat log

    combat log in the rob
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