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  1. K

    Rejected unban appeal

    Hi guys, i have been banned almost 20months ago if i remember corectly and i am asking if i can get unban. I got banned because of transfering money from one acc to another. I want to say i am sorry and that such an action wont happen again. I appriciated your work. Regards
  2. K

    Rejected unban appeal I Alex_Odd

    Alex banned me a really long time ago, because i was transfering money from my second acc to my main and didnt know that was against the rules. I would again like to apology and ask you for unban. I promise i wil play according to the rules and will provide great RP. Thanks for understanding and...
  3. K

    Rejected Alex_Odd I PARMANENT BLOCK

    Hello, me and my brother were banned for general rules 1.10 So i transfered my money to my brothers acc....i didnt know that is against rules so i am asking to unban my brothers acc because that is not his fault....i take full responsebility for this. Brothersacc is Kenobi_Kenobi
  4. K

    Rejected intentional car hitting I ID 65256

    Dude just hit me when i leave the taxi....like cmon what kind of sick joke is that
  5. K

    Rejected insulting admin I Nova_Grey

    Yeah...i was in the jail calling the officer for like 10min noone respond, so i called admin and he said pls wait i wait for like 7 more minutes and still nothing admin again said pls wait and i said cmon this is bullshit
  6. K

    Rejected insulting admin I Nova_Grey

    Got banned for insulting admin... i guess there was misunderstanding... i didnt insult admin i just said thats bullshit. If that is insulting cmon are we that soft nowadays... I made mistake wrote Nova_Gray before the real name of admin is Nova_Grey....
  7. K

    Rejected insulting admin| Nova_Gray

    Got banned for insulting admin... i guess there was misunderstanding... i didnt insult admin i just said thats bullshit. If that is insulting cmon are we that soft nowadays...
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