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Search results

  1. M

    Rejected PermaBann for cheating 17067 @Justin Winter

    Your ID: 17067 Players nickname: Marcel Trapstar Administrators nickname: Jackson Clark Time: Jun 6, 2023 00:00 Hallo Justin Winter Ich wurde vor sehr langer zeit wegen cheating gebannt, seid dem bann bin ich älter geworden und mir ist bewusst das das ein Fehler von mir war. Ich habe auf dem...
  2. M

    Rejected Bann Wegen Cheating ID 17067 | Vincent Xozis

    Hallo Vincent ich wurde damals wegen cheating gebannt und ich bin schon sehr lange gebannt bin erwachsener geworden. Ich spiele jetzt schon seid dem bann auf Majestic aber es hat mir nie so spaß gemacht wie auf Grand RP ich habe noch keinen bann seid der zeit auf dem Server bekommen und ich...
  3. M

    Rejected PermaBann for cheating 39949 / 17067 @Vincent Xozis

    Hallo Vincent Ich Wollte dir noch einmal meine situation mit den acc von mir schildern. 39949: Auf diesem acc habe ich darmals gecheatet was sehr dumm von mir war und dieser acc kann auch gebannt bleiben. 17067: Das war der Acc von mir mit dem ich eine zeit nach dem bann von 39949 angefangen...
  4. M

    Rejected Perma Bann masive cheating 154359,17067,39949 @Vincent Xozis

    Hello dear admin team I was banned on my acc 154359 today I don't understand why I still have 2 acc 17067, 39949 I have seen my mistake and just want to gamble with my colleagues I only cheated on 39949 back then and not anymore and on 17067 too I didn't do the acc with my friend back then when...
  5. M

    Rejected Ban For Massives Cheaten I Vincent Xozis

    Hello Mazor and Vincent I got a ban about 9 months ago because of extreme cheating. That's a long time and since then I've become more awake and that's why I wanted to apologize to you again for cheating on your server and destroying the fun of other players. I could probably get another 2...
  6. M

    Rejected Bann Grund Allgm.1.1+2xCheating on Twink/Main

    Hey dear Mazhor and Vincent, I got permanently banned today on January 6th, 2023. I want to tell my story and apologize for what happened. When I started with Grand back then, I quickly made new friends and spoke to him very often on Discord. One day a colleague showed me a cheat for Grand and...
  7. M

    Approved MK/CL | ID 80971, 17067

    Und wie mann sehen kann wurde das ticket auch nicht richtig gemacht mit einer Falschen id angegeben.
  8. M

    Approved MK/CL | ID 80971, 17067

    ich hatte game crash und bin nach 2 min wieder gespawnt wenn Mann nicht 5 min warten kann kann ich nichts dafür und MK habe ich auch nicht gemacht ich habe auf die Bullen gesprayt da kann das passieren aber wenn Mann nicht wartet nicht mein Problem.
  9. M

    Rejected For Mazhor I 39949

    Hello dear Mazhor Hello,im not going to argue anymore about this ban but im just gonna ask you nicely for an unban.I know my mistake and its never EVER going to happen again.This Server means so much to me,so many good memories and all my new friends are playing here too.I just want your...
  10. M

    Rejected Permanent ban due to massive cheaters I 39949

    hello dear curator of the project i checked today while i'm still banned and saw that i'm banned for more than 9000 days. and i cheated i'll admit that but i didn't embarrass anyone with it and i just used it to see where people are and i've been thinking about a lot since my ban and i realized...
  11. M

    Rejected banned reason cheater ID 39949

    hello dear curator of the project i was just banned by dylan night ID 21674 because of cheating but during my pc check garnix was found and i was on the sharky reselling to buy my vouchers for spotify under he was on the discord himself and i find it easy shit i get banned because i was on a...
  12. M

    Rejected curator of the project

    hello dear curator of the project I was just banned by Dylan Night ID 21674 for cheating but during my pc check garnix was found and I was on the sharky reselling to buy my vouchers for spotify and he was on the discord himself and I find it just sucks that i get banned because i was on a...
  13. M

    Rejected FailRP I 67202

    Videomaterial: Beschwerdegrund:FailRP Was ist passiert?: Wir haben gezinkt und er hat die waffen in den kofferaum gelegt
  14. M

    Approved RP Verweigerung I ID:77711, 62801, 70381

    Videomaterial: Beschwerdegrund: RP Verweigerung I ID:77711, 62801, 70381 Was ist passiert?:Wir wollten zinken und wie im clip zu sehen haben die cops nicht gehört und sind am ende nochmal gekommen und haben noch geschossen
  15. M

    Rejected money-reset I 39949

    sorry I accidentally did it on german purely clever below is now the English
  16. M

    Rejected money-reset I 39949

    hello dear curator of the project man can do nothing that was not a mistake of mine that I was banned I have been playing here for a really long time and now had the most money I have ever owned. after all, I also paid a part of it with Grand Coins, if it were now a justified ban then I would...
  17. M

    Rejected money-reset I 39949

    hallo lieber Curator of the project kann Mann da Garnichts machen das war ja nicht ein Fehler von mir das ich gebannt wurde ich spiele schon richtig lange hier und hatte jetzt das meiste Geld was ich je besessen habe. after all, I also paid a part of it with Grand Coins, if it were now a...
  18. M

    Rejected money lost I 39949

    1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/941034511121133638/979742877351555082/Unbenannts.PNG 2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/941034511121133638/979743129894801478/Unbenannt.PNG had put the wrong links in above
  19. M

    Rejected money lost I 39949

    hello dear curator of the project thank you that I was unbanned but why was my money deleted the ban was not justified I think I had 6-7millions and when I logged in now only 3 thousand can man do something?
  20. M

    Approved Request for dismissal I 39949

    hello dear curator of the project I tried to log in today and got shown that I am banned for 9998 days, then I asked my cousin for help and he told me that he apparently hacked and was caught and all acc of him were blocked and mine also because I was visiting once played with him and therefore...
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