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  1. Sammy Gravano

    Reviewed Hacks by 638

    I'm not sure if he is using hacks but In these 2 clips you can clearly see that we both hit him 2 times for 53 and he didn't take any damage so I would like to see Pov of this player. second clip:
  2. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Chits by /638

    (I put it in the wrong server its from En2) I'm not sure if he is using hacks but In these 2 clips you can clearly see that we both hit him 2 times for 53 and he didn't take any damage so I would like to see Pov of this player. Second clip:
  3. Sammy Gravano

    Approved Spawn killing Bank Robbery | id 5817 , 22737

    On behalf of me and my colleague we apologise, we looked in the rules before and couldn't find this rule, it will not happen again.
  4. Sammy Gravano

    Reviewed Spawn killing in bank robbery | 5817, 22737

    On behalf of me and my colleague we apologise, we looked in the rules before and couldn't find this rule, it will not happen again.
  5. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected FAIL RP BY ID:40436, 9383, 236

    So basically I was robbed in this scenario they totally failed RP here they didn’t even RP properly. When they pickpocket me there weren’t 3 people on me just 2 and only one gun on me. I could just drove off when I was in my car But I wanted to continue Rp and hope out. Because of this, I lost 6...
  6. Sammy Gravano

    Approved Making a GOV as hostage at GZ | ID - Bloods Gang

    stop arguing and let admins do there job
  7. Sammy Gravano

    IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

    1. Your name IRL: Aljaz 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone:GMT+2 4. Average online per day:8-10h 5. Your Discord: Aljazi#7223 6. Your Nickname: Sammy Thrust 7. Your ID: 36522 Additional information: 1. Leader of Bloods Street Gang 2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List...
  8. Sammy Gravano

    Approved Ghetto rule 1.6

  9. Sammy Gravano

    Approved Ghetto rule 1.6

    As you can see I was killed in bloods HQ by marabunta everything is on my POV.
  10. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Possible Cheats / Bug abuse I ID 36522

    The issue is, is this is not a red circle event so i'm not obligated to record my POV. I live in Slovenia so it must've been DSYNC, I've just been unbanned for possible cheats as i got my PC checked and they found out i had nothing, i will happily let Wody search my PC once again. Adam i...
  11. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Warning appeal | 43352

    If Alex Odd requires these messages i will happily send them over however im not comfortable chucking them in here right now considering every person can see this report. Alex if you would like these messages i will happily supply them to you. Thank you.
  12. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Warning appeal | 43352

    As a Bloods deputy we do not have this agreement with Cupido and he is again deceiving administrators by saying we do. From this picture you can see him asking for me to say we have an agreement to get his warn removed which we do not. This is him messaging me via discord telling me to post...
  13. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Cheats | Alex Odd, Woody

    I’ll just say this is my lest fight against my ban. You guys said that you found chits on my pc the only thing that I’m asking you guys is that you just check again. Probably you found some old files (yes)I did have CSGO chits to tray It out A couple of years ago and yes I he’d Gta online mode...
  14. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Cheats | Alex Odd, Woody

    I believe i was unfairly banned, i was not provided adequate reason or proof for my ban. I have had my pc checked and there was no dramas at all then suddenly 4 days later i get banned for cheats. The only proof that is there is myself aiming at a wall due to get a better peak around a corner...
  15. Sammy Gravano

    Approved Mass rule breaks|vagos(12555,54259,42104)

    First of all you guys messed provoked us and VDM our blood member and then killed hem and rob hem 2 times back to back.
  16. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected killed in Hq

    I uploaded the video on yt
  17. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected Shothing in blods HQ

    THE VIDEO file:///C:/Users/Aljaz/OneDrive/Desktop/My%20Video.mp4 THE PICTURE OF THER ID file:///C:/Users/Aljaz/OneDrive/Desktop/image0.jpeg
  18. Sammy Gravano

    Rejected killed in Hq

    Somebody killed me in hq VIDEO file:///C:/Users/Aljaz/OneDrive/Desktop/My%20Video.mp4
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