Garry sins is my cousin brother and in April he came to my house so he asked my pc to play so I gave him and there was no intension to break any rule so please consider my...
Please unblock me my id 17273 for general rule 1.1
there was death in my house so I logged in my id from different pc
as I am out of town so I have to pay my in game house tax that's why I logged in from different pc
when i logged in i got the message my id id blocked as I am from India I we...
please unblock me my id 17273 for general rule 1.1
there was death in my house so I logged in my id from different pc
as I am out of town so i have to pay my house tax in game that's why I logged in from different pc
as I am from India we have lots of rituals to follow
please accept my...
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