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  1. A

    Approved RDM and stealing car without RP in the city ID- 123288,85700

    I was waiting outside the Custom shop and all of a sudden a guy came in a white dodge came and killed me without any warning/RP and stole my car and as per rules, it's not allowed to steal a car without following any RP. As you can see I was outside the custom shop which as per my knowledge is...
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    Approved RDM in the city without any reason ID- 161629

    Me and my friend were just talking near train station and this guy just came and killed me and my friend both without any reason.
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    Approved VDM and Tried to kill me in car ID- 125327

    A player just tried to kill me by ramming me with his rolls Royce phantom and then left as I guess he knew I have a bodycam
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    Rejected Punishing CL without checking the background

    Okay nice so read my explanation again and then come back with atleast a good explanation
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    Rejected Punishing CL without checking the background

    I was in custody and was taken to DOC so while I am going to DOC I asked the admins to please visit the situation as for me they are someone with more knowledge and as unbiased but during the situation when I asked admins they said go on forums with the POV and when my game crashed they thought...
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    Rejected Power Gaming By FIB Officers ID- 10411, 31811

    I and my friend were at FIB Reception and discussing our fine with officers and they said we have to leave the reception area even though it is a public zone they searched us both and we had nothing illegal or harmful with us but they still cuffed us and took us to the jail. FOr me, it is a...
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    Approved Car theft and Shooting in GZ, ID-108425,108028,109661,109539

    I and my family member were in the Post office and a group of guys start stealing our car and then shot me in the green zone right outside the post office, I request you all to take serious action against them and if possible return us our car.
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    Rejected Car theft and shooting in GZ

    I and my family member were in the Post office and a group of guys start stealing our car and then shot me in the green zone right outside the post office, I request you all to take serious action against them and if possible return us our car.
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