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  1. K

    Rejected RDM | 126676

    Dude just rams me then jumps out of his car and starts shooting me, chases me around and kills me... Not a word said in game chat at all just kills me. That's honestly me done I'm quitting the server but may as well post the report before I leave. Not really an 'RP' server is it?
  2. K

    Rejected RDM

    Dude just rams me then jumps out of his car and starts shooting me, chases me around and kills me... Not a word said in game chat at all just kills me. That's honestly me done I'm quitting the server but may as well post the report before I leave. Not really an 'RP' server is it?
  3. K

    Rejected RDM | ID 126676

    Dude just rams me then jumps out of his car and starts shooting me, chases me around and kills me... Not a word said in game chat at all just kills me. That's honestly me done I'm quitting the server but may as well post the report before I leave. Not really an 'RP' server is it?
  4. K

    Approved VDM | ID 129414

    This guy literally comes speeding up the wrong side, rams me out of my car, rams the truck behind me, then when I'm running back to my car he absolutely creams me, very clearly intentionally. It's sad that you need to record literally every second on the server these days.. We should be stricter...
  5. K

    Rejected DM & LSPD Abuse | ID 76438

    The interaction with this player starts at approximately 3:20 and the deathmatching at 5:30
  6. K

    Rejected DM & LSPD Abuse | ID 76438

    This player couldnt catch me with his taser, so he sprays me with his gun, revives me and cuffs me and when I tell him I recorded it he logs so I have to do the 15min prison time anyways and he gets to get away, Admins in game didnt want anything to do with it which is frankly ridiculous. I...
  7. K

    Rejected VDM | ID 47071

    Taxi driver drove the wrong way so I got out, he followed and rammed me but didn't actually get to kill me
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