I was chilling with fellas and this random guy who i don't know came from nowhere and just tried to steal from me without RP or something similar to that.
First of all you didn't get any punishments for cheats, you are getting ban for bug abuse which you did. As you can see in your POV you are cancelling stealing animation which is a type of bug abuse.
As an old term deputy leader (more than 3 months) I personally know Ercan and I know that he has all knowledge and leadership responsibility to lead this wonderful organization. ++++
While I was editing ads he randomly came up and started hitting me with bat. He is saying muscle spazm but after that he is hitting me again which shows its not about that. Also he continued to do this behaviour to other people at the beach(You can check his POV since he is state organization...
Also cant imagine how bored u guys are to sneak Aytek family discord and take clips from the channel that we sent our clips lmao xD u guys are just mad because ur bad
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