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  1. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Never recieving help

    Hello, I was ban last october for 60 days ever since i have not been able to ever connect back every time i make a ticket you guys tell me nothing is wrong to use a vpn etc its not the case i need actual help not just a copy and paste response please im begging. The admin who ban me was Sam...
  2. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Connection closed no help

    Hello I have been getting connection closed error for 5 months every time I make a thread you guys say the same stuff and close my ticket but never actually help me when I say it doesn’t work can someone please for the live of god help
  3. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Ban for cheats | Sam leblanc

    Hello, I was recently ban for "cheats" On Sunday, 8/15 by Sam Leblanc, I am appealing this ban because it truthfully was a wrongful ban. the situation that happen consisted of me falling through the map and landing on the beach way far from any in game spots and than being not able to stop...
  4. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Ban for Cheats| Raymond Razetti

    Hello, I was recently ban for "cheats" On Sunday, 8/15 by Sam Leblanc, I am appealing this ban because it truthfully was a wrongful ban. the situation that happen consisted of me falling through the map and landing on the beach way far from any in game spots and than being not able to stop...
  5. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned for cheats | Raymond Razetti

    also it seems like you said i was speed running and no clip i guess. however can you take a minute and think what good would a cheat that runs you to the ocean do?
  6. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned for cheats | Raymond Razetti

    Hello, dear admin team. I was recently banned for "Cheats" as my head popped. I don't see a reason for me to have a cheat that would make me go to the beach and go towards the water that seems like a very pointless “cheat”. I also got no time to explain anything or the situation as I was called...
  7. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned for cheat

    Hello, dear admin team. I was recently banned for "Cheats" as my head popped. I don't see a reason for me to have a cheat that would make me go to the beach and go towards the water that seems like a very pointless “cheat”. I also got no time to explain anything or the situation as I was called...
  8. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    Also willing to get a pc check or anything
  9. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    That’s not aimbit my guy I litteraly just was looking at that side there’s no lock on or nun what lol also here I can send link of fast reload tutorial
  10. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    ?? It’s not fast reloading it’s called double r and cntrl are u slow my guy?
  11. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    I’m also not trying to come off in a rude manor you gotta see my side tho homie you don’t let me tell u or send clip you came up to me calling me a looser mad times bro when I support the city with money that u work for bro losers don’t do that it’s a respect thing I wasn’t cheating but either...
  12. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    Where do u see cheating tho as it’s nun I can prevent I’m just personally asking you a purpose of a cheat that runs me to the ocean? When I’m clearly trying to make it stop by spamming a and d key which you can see me move side ways than my head pops
  13. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    No ones no clipping u can see my head pop is when my medal stops I was recording session
  14. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    Bro I was clipping it I fell under mao my guy was running forward wouldn’t stop until my head popped which is when my medal stopped when session ended I wasn’t speed running it’s just like in here when a car goes mad fast and players desync and than their head pops I sent my pov I’ve spent my...
  15. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

  16. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    also i apologize for breathing in mic i was pissed off lol and mic was very close
  17. Raymond Razetti

    Rejected Banned when head popped

    Hello i was just ban like 3 minutes ago by sam for "hacking" my eyes were fuzzy and i typed in my family chat that my head popped i fell under map and my guy started running to the ocean i can provide full pov of everything and sam comes up to me in a very un proffesional way saying nice hack...
  18. Raymond Razetti

    Approved Cheating | 57081

  19. Raymond Razetti

    Approved Insulting Parents and sexual talk in gz | ID: 48270

    sitting in jail guy kept yelling in mic than tells me he will suck my mom etc clip explains for itself
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