hey so a cvouple of things after 48 hours you can not report someothing that happened before that 48 hrs.i am banned on my currant account 129931 and u accepting a report of rdm and u accepted the report but it has been 48 hrs since its the second day i have been banned and he just posted it.You...
I also did nit vdm i was going fast down a road and hit ur car not my fault ur behind it LOL.u also were talking while dead haha also u said R word slur u called me the c slur also from 23-26
so basicly we were robbing a guy and he is on a discord call with his family we have no proof but they came out of no where and started shooting us without saying a word.The guy we were robbing was also loaded with stuff.
first off he was afk but before that he was calling us fags and cussing at us for no reason.Also u can see that he hit my friend also he set loaction for his family to come kill us.also since he was afk apparently how would he have pov he also ran from the ghetto into gz.Plus I dont get why I...
hello i am in jail for 120 for vdm i hit someone with a car 1 time thats not vdm and I did not even kill him.On my screen did not ever see anyone also hitting someone one time with a car is not vdm vdm is where u keep doing it also he was invisible fix ur game.
I have a 2 day ban because of rdm but if you watch the video You can see I was not the one who killed the player.A gang i belive was the bloods pulled up on us all and killed my friends I dont get how an admin could have missed this.
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