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  1. R

    Rejected Complaint on administrator (Abraham Elkhabib.

    Dear mr. Mazhor. The pictures were older than 48 hours and we put evrything back to owner old name: (Filip Vukotic) new:(Vladan Vukov) please un bun us we put a lot of hard work.
  2. R

    Rejected Complaint on Admin | Abraham Elkhabib

    Dear Mr. Mazhor.I'm Perma blocked on your Balkan server. I stole with friends from our family warehouse. Then we came back later to go give to the staff we stole. We got banned. Firstly, the pictures were older more than 48 hours ago, secondly, they refused our publication because we did not...
  3. R

    Rejected Complaint on Admin | Abraham Elkhabib

    Dear Mr. Mazhor. I'm Perma blocked on your Balkan server. I stole with friends from our family warehouse. Then we came back later to go give to the staff we stole. We got the ban . Firstly, the pictures were older more than 48 hours , secondly, they refused our publication because we did not...
  4. R

    Rejected Žalba na administratora | Mujo Swayze

    Na slikama se vidi da smo isti taj dan vratili stvari.
  5. R

    Rejected Žalba na administratora | Mujo Swayze

    Poštovana administracijo.Na slikama/dokazima se vidi da smo ja,Okocha JJ i Miloš Jovančić da smo ukrali iz skladišta.Nakon toga nas je kontaktirao Filip Vukotić na discordu i rekao da dodjem i da vratimo stvari.Mi smo došli i vratili im stvari pa je on stavio u skladište a ne mi. Muhamedova...
  6. R

    Rejected Zalbe na odluku administratora | Muhamed Habibi

    Postovana administracijo ja sam jucer dobijo ban od administartora po imenu Muhamed Habibi. Ja bi zeleo un bun jer smo se svi izvinili i vratili stvari.
  7. R

    Rejected Zalba na admina IMuhamed HabibiI

    Kako vi ne vidite da smo mi sve to napravili 5.7 2022 a koliko ja znam dokazi ne smiju biti stariji od 48 h.
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