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  1. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Unban Appeal | ID 12022 | Koning Swayze

    Bom tarde Sr Murder queria me desculpar antes de tudo pelos erros que cometi no servidor pt como usar hacks para achar painéis e facilitar o tiroteio no gueto e também mandar links dos hacks anunciando no privado, fazendo com que a pessoa que tem os links pudesse tentar comprar e usar, queria...
  2. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Unban Appeal | ID 12022 | Murder Swayze

    Good Morning Mr Murder Swayze wanted to apologize first of all for the mistakes i made on the pt server how to use hacks to find panels and facilitate the shooting in the ghetto and also send links to the hacks announcing in private, so that the person who has the links could try to buy and use...
  3. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected BAN APPEAL | ID 12022

    It's you because you come to a thread that doesn't concern you 👍🏼
  4. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected BAN APPEAL | ID 12022

    Hello mahzor, I come here to request a new analysis of my banishment for 4.1, yes I only used a program to detect objects, such as panels where it also contained an external radar function, so I dudu amorim I apologize for the inconvenience it may have caused to grand rp pt players and the...
  5. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Falar para mortos | ID 2920

    Falar para mortos e car ramming ahahahaha
  6. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Cr | 22127

    Que chorão meu, so levaste um toquezinho por vsync aahahahahah
  7. DuduAmorim99

    Reviewed RDM - ID3705

    Self Report, No fear ahahahahaah
  8. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Regra 3.2 + Provoking I ID 9976

    Qualquer gajo que encontra paineis esta a usar cheats ahahahahha
  9. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Combatlog 7119

    falar no discord xdd
  10. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Combatlog 7119

    Metagaming mesmo boa ahahaha
  11. DuduAmorim99

    Approved ballas puxaram os carros durante a raid

    Mais um warn Pietro, não estou aí eu mas há quem vá te lixar a org de WARNS e ficas sem org ahahahahah
  12. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Unban Appeal |12022

    And also supposedly only now I took real 4.1, and the previous one was removed because at that time I didn't use any program to find panels, I just used an rgb scope thread: Reviewed - Unban Appeal | Murder Swayze
  13. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Unban Appeal |12022

    Hello Mazhor I would like to appeal here to change my ban from permanent to 60 days, which is what is supposed by the following rule to quote "4.1 Players must not use any type of software that gives any advantage. (Disable drug effects, hacks , moving afk count, bots, etc.) | 60-day BAN" I...
  14. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected ban injusto | Konig_Swayze

    Quero que me façam pc check......
  15. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Errata

    https://prnt.sc/d1GnuBWKLZq3 #Estudassem
  16. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Diparar na HQ ID 19816

    Cala-te inspetor gadjet
  17. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected ban injusto | Konig_Swayze

    foi ban pela RG 4.1, que nem uso nada, quero que analizem isto
  18. DuduAmorim99

    Rejected Insultos e Difamação no Discord | ID 8479

    Boas, o Píretro está tão aziado comigo que, fez isso que esta nos prints...
  19. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Fail RP | ID 8479

    Não vou responder a ignorantes...
  20. DuduAmorim99

    Approved Fail RP | ID 8479

    Deixem de ser burros, fazem merda e não admitem, se a polícia tem que revistar por traz porque outro gajo qualquer tem que ser diferente e revistar de frente...... IGNORANTES, QUERES FODER OJ PIETRO PORQUE DEI WARNS A TUA ORGANIZAÇÃO NAO VENHAS PARA AQUI CHIRAR, DEPOIS SOU EU O CHORÃO, VAI AO...
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