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Search results

  1. Anii

    Approved Leader of Marabunta | KyIe Murphy

  2. Anii

    Rejected Punished for stalling when no demands were given

    so what happend was i got killed and blods patch me up and dont say anything ro type in chat so i just wait cuz i dont understand what is going on and then admin sends me to jail
  3. Anii

    Approved Run to GZ during robbery II 231340

    stop crying bout it aww u got killed once and now ur gunna cry?
  4. Anii

    Approved RDM | La Familia

  5. Anii

    Approved RDM | La Familia

    dont dislike my replay heart it and give it a like
  6. Anii

    Approved RDM | La Familia

    actually we can just wait for admin replay until that we can be quite :)
  7. Anii

    Approved SCAM ID 75565

    the way u go this is a scam :D
  8. Anii

    Rejected general rule 3.2

    this guy said fu#k ur mom
  9. Anii

    Approved CL + RDM | ID 166112

    dont cry bout it
  10. Anii

    Rejected Entbannungsantrag | Luis Yaghobi ID: 9069

  11. Anii

    Rejected UB SOLAR

    so what happend was i logged on server to play after 5 mins i got jaild for ub solar just being in fam house i dont know why i got ub solar cuz i had one planted at base like 4-5 hourse so i dont get it. i think the admin wrongly put my in jail. and i just whant to make sure it and if it was...
  12. Anii

    Approved General ghetto rule 1.4 | 37714

    ye true i was one in the voice.
  13. Anii

    Approved CL 10698

    i dont have pov sorry
  14. Anii

    Approved VDM ID:35600

    ID 35600 is doing vdm at arena
  15. Anii

    Approved Ban for Account Sharing | Xavier Escuela

    Morning/Afternoon Admins, I was banned for account sharing and i am deeply sory if i did but i dont recall doing it. I was at my friends house the other day and wanted to play GRP so i played on there pc. I would like to say sorry again and will never do this again. Thank you, have a good day.
  16. Anii

    Rejected Account Sharing | Xavier_Escuela

    Morning/Afternoon Admins, I was banned for account sharing and i am deeply sory if i did but i dont recall doing it. I was at my friends house the other day and wanted to play GRP so i played on there pc. I would like to say sorry again and will never do this again. Thank you, have a good day.
  17. Anii

    Rejected Empire | Unofficial Org

    1. Family name - Empire 2. owner - Ana Walker ID:10698 3. Family house number - 602 4 . Family owners discord - §ømê1#1000 5. Family owners forum - Kiddon History of Empire when I was 22 years old my brother was killed because of me I was working as a police officer in saDiegogo and one time I...
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