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  1. J

    Approved Multi Account | Mahzor Pluxury

    I was blocked for 30days for Multi Account but you can see that I haven't logged into these accounts since the server was new and have forgotten the login for them all. Im requesting that you delete all the accounts apart from Jake_Zero and allow me to play again as I dont use any of them.
  2. J

    Rejected Multi Account ban | Fidayin Narek

    I was blocked for 30days for Multi Account but you can see that I haven't logged into these accounts since the server was new and have forgotten the login for them all. Im requesting that you delete all the accounts apart from Jake_Zero and allow me to play again as I dont use any of them...
  3. J

    Rejected Multi Account ban | Appeal | ID 2573

    I was blocked for 30days for Multi Account but you can see that I haven't logged into these accounts since the server was new and have forgotten the login for them all. Im requesting that you delete all the accounts apart from Jake_Zero and allow me to play again as I dont use any of them.
  4. J

    Approved Racism | ID 47322

    I cant as my recording software wasnt recording my voice but it is clear racism as he is saying "purple jews"
  5. J

    Approved Racism | ID 47322

    This player was mocking my accent clearly to make me angry and also called us "purple jews" as we are members of the ballas gang. Im offended by this and cannot be accepted in out community.-
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