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  1. E

    Reviewed Power Gaming | 0000

    i want to close this forum sorry for this
  2. E

    Reviewed Power Gaming | 0000

    Hello ADMIN, as u can see in the video attached to this forum, i was chilling in bm and this man trying to use his power on me and my friend and hand cuff us for no reason i really think he deserve to get punishment for his acting thanks in advance.
  3. E

    Approved Leader of NG | Satriko Narcos

    U deserve to be the Leader Best luck ++++
  4. E

    Rejected Leader of LifeInvader | Menna Demoness

    to be honest you are the best person to lead this org and improve it, i wish you succeed
  5. E

    Rejected Parents Insult | ID 93772

    I want to close this thread please thanks
  6. E

    Approved Fear RP + Running in to GZ | ID 107154

    We tried to rob this man but he refused to cooperate and he ran in to GZ.
  7. E

    Rejected Parents Insult | ID 93772

    This man just insult our parents in arabic , so i need an arabic admin plz
  8. E

    Rejected DM | ID 146836 - 146965

    What about the Meta gaming in your video proof my friend?! talking in Email is not allowed and that's Breaking for Rules.
  9. E

    Approved RDM | ID 170301

    He just killed me without any reason
  10. E

    Approved RDM, Parents Insult | ID 107666

    this guy start to shoot people without any reason, and he insult mother of the guys with yellow behind me, and killed me and killed my friend too this person deserve a great punishment for this.
  11. E

    Reviewed Ban request | Mazhor Curator of the project

    As we can see in those POVs, it's clear that they have been broke a lot of rules, so with all my respect for you Mazhor, I request a punishment for everyone in dis forum for this massive breaking of the rules
  12. E

    Rejected RDM, Parents insult | ID 125585

    We were speaking with our friend in the street , and then this people came to us and start to RDM us and they insult our Parents they really deserve a punishment to learn the Rules.
  13. E

    Approved DM | ID 146965- 146836-147492-147841-86785

    everyone can clearly see in video that's he killed me after i went out so this is also RDM . i request a punishment for that
  14. E

    Rejected Fail RP | AYTEK FAMILY

    we were in a middle of Raid and after we about losing, they keep revive me and kill me and insult me, also they did that to steal my guns they deserve a really great punishment for that
  15. E

    Approved RDM | 172333, 178056

    those two people just killed me without any reason in the middle of the city they deserve a punishment for that.
  16. E

    Approved RDM | ID 63560

    as you can see in the POV, i was AFK and talking to my friends, this person came and just killed me without any reason
  17. E

    Approved RDM | ID 93985

    AS you can see in this POV, this man came out of nowhere and start to kill everyone, and he almost killed the EMS person, and after the EMS did his job, he killed the man he killed before again. he must get a great punishment for that.
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