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  1. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected removal of warning

    dear admin I have two warning and I wanna remove one I have prime lv 2 thanks for all
  2. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected PG + Fail RP | ID: 173627 , 79276

    are you sure ? no one get punished ... bro should be learn how to play ;)
  3. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected GR 6.16 | ID: 79276 , 192894 , 173627

    robbery didint start ??? :ROFLMAO: when you revive me what are you say? listen to your friend he know the rules and you keep saying like dam ass hands up hands up
  4. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected PG + Fail RP | ID: 173627 , 79276

    Pov showing all
  5. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected GR 6.16 | ID: 79276 , 192894 , 173627

    Pov showing all
  6. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected RDM | Vick Klaus

    To whom it May concern Dear Mazhor Pluxury Dear respected game management, I got ban for wan 3 by Vick Klaus but as you see in the last warn this form Approved - RDM ID165913 he is not post full pov as you see less 1 min clearly The pov has already cut when He's trying to shoot us who is that...
  7. Ziyad Kk

    Approved 199293 - 185590 CR

    Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min)); Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint And file a new complaint
  8. Ziyad Kk

    Approved ID 165913 3.2

    admin plz check first Pending review - ooc insult arbic | ID : 96394
  9. Ziyad Kk

    Approved ooc insult arbic | ID : 96394

    this guy coming to me for no reason insult me I know why maybe because I Killed his friend and he by me solo ^^ btw admin punishments us and he come to me as you see provoking + insult me trying making me answer When I answer to him he make forum for me 3sec :LOL...
  10. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM ID165913

    if u cant beat him report him ^^ xD
  11. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM ID165913

    First you dont post full pov like you do before you the start shouting rdm as you see in your pov but you cut xD Second we all got punishment from admin syndra pluxury ( admin check logs plz ) be man and not trolling us and waste admin time
  12. Ziyad Kk

    Approved ID 165913 3.2

    post full pov what you say before and after cut the pov its 3 sec xD nice trolling
  13. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected VDM 165913

    that not 165913 Stupid :ROFLMAO:
  14. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed RDM + OOC insult |ID: 100223

    I was parking the family cars after he came rdm me and while I am dead he start insulting me in arabic as you see in video
  15. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected CİTY RDM AND FAİL RP | 191517, 184309, 165913, 170259

    omg video less1min if you are honest show admin full pov when you making vdm + rdm for no reason and insult our parents and we don't know how you are !!
  16. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected RDM | 184309|170259|165913

    omg video muted and less 1 min if you If you are honest show admin full pov when you and your famliy Shelby making rdm for any one and insult parents !!
  17. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed GEN rule 1.4 | 85314 , 77525 , 97355 , 173585 , 115571 , 67866 , 48733 , 66238 , 65430 ,167235

    Stop defending yourself, lets see what the admins say and thats it.
  18. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed GEN rule 1.4 | 85314 , 77525 , 97355 , 173585 , 115571 , 67866 , 48733 , 66238 , 65430 ,167235

    Bro they think they play among us they ask for proofs bruh just wait till admins check the situation and enjoy your vacation then
  19. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed GEN rule 1.4 | 85314 , 77525 , 97355 , 173585 , 115571 , 67866 , 48733 , 66238 , 65430 ,167235

    Admins can get the proof by them self, we don't have to put proofs while admins can do it.
  20. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed GEN rule 1.4 | 85314 , 77525 , 97355 , 173585 , 115571 , 67866 , 48733 , 66238 , 65430 ,167235

    Hi , these guys was always coming to our famliy house for RDMing for no reason and there no RP in this thing, I'm not taking about the RDM, because they getting punished by the admins already, the question is that they always get banned for 7 days in main account for 3 warning and they join by...
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