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  1. A

    Approved UnbanAppeal|Mazhor_Pluxury

    Dear Mazhor.4 months ago I got a ban for G.P 6.3. A lot of time has passed since then. I learned all the rules. I wanted to have fun with my friends on this server because I didn't have fun anywhere like I miss hanging out with friends on this server. Take all my money away. on breaking the...
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    Rejected Unban Appeal|Ivkezz_Obama

    Pozdrav dragi Admini.Prije 4 mjeseca dobio sam ban za G.P 6.3. Od toga je proslo mnogo vremena naucio sam sva pravila.Pozelio sam zabave sa svojim prijateljima na ovom serveru jer nigdje se nisam zabavio kao na ovom serveru fali mi druzenje sa prijateljima.Oduzmite mi sav novac sve sto je...
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