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  1. Brayden

    Appreciation to administrators

    1. Your nickname: Brayden Armani 2. The administrator's nickname: Opie West 3. The essence of gratitude (claims): Never a dull moment when he is around, he makes sure everyone is having a good time.
  2. Brayden

    Rejected FailRP | 105743

    So as shown in the intro of the clip, I was with my family trying to find hostages when we attempted to rob an ATM to see if we could try and take an LEO hostage. When the police arrive, instead of showing up and giving demands they immediately unload bullets upon my family members SUV without...
  3. Brayden

    Approved DM | 173327

    As shown in the video i was minding my own business trying to get my battle pass up and in the process of using animations this man came out of the blue with no RP or dialog what so ever and proceeded to gun me down.
  4. Brayden

    Approved DM | 160249

    As you can see from the video attached i was minding my own business driving up until dude showed up in his tuned car, stooped me and shot me to death. I feel like this falls under DM as well as possibly even rule 6.24.
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