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  1. A

    Rejected Ban for money being sent to bank account | Gen rule 1.7 | David Pluxury

    They asked if I wanted money wipe on Friday and I said “ yes I agree for money wipe” but I haven’t heard back from anyone. Description: Hi, I got banned for 60 days for Gen. Rule 1.7 but I had no part in why I got banned :( I was sent money which was deposited in my account without my...
  2. A

    Approved Ban for money being sent to bank account | Gen rule 1.7 | David Pluxury

    Hi, I got banned for 60 days for Gen. Rule 1.7 but I had no part in why I got banned :( I was sent money which was deposited in my account without my knowledge. I was unaware and had no say in the money that was sent to my bank account. I originally had $8.9 million in my account before the...
  3. A

    Rejected Ban Appeal | David Pluxury

    Hi, I got banned for 60 days for Gen. Rule 1.7 but I had no part in why I got banned :( I was sent money which was deposited in my account without my knowledge (I was afk). I was unaware and had no say in the money that was sent to my bank account. I originally had $8.9 million in my account...
  4. A

    Rejected Unban appeal/ David Pluxury

    Hello, I got banned for 60 days for Gen. Rule 1.7 but I had no part in what happened. I was sent money without knowing that it was being sent to me. I originally had 8.9 million. I was unaware and had no say when the money was sent to me. Is there any way that I can keep my money that I had...
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