This guy is one of the best person i know
he is putting all his heart and can bring the SAHP to an all other level
Tomer Homer
My best friend, in my opinion you are the most suitable to be the leader of the SAHP
I think you will really succeed in making a significant change to SAHP
Just don't forget the 200K you owe me, son of a bitch
Make everyone obliged to love Schnitzel in order to be accepted
Hello administrators, My friend was recently banned from the city because of sharing accounts, he got banned because he flew into the city from my pc at my house and he got banned.. and now i come back to fly in and now i am banned now too! but my friend is approved and unbanned but i am still...
Hello, im Shohat Tamir | 33285. I was on calls with EMS and was chilling at a side walk fixing some bodycam issues and suddenly i got banned for gen 1.1 so i looked up what it meant and it says i shared my account? i never shared my account.. anyway we can figure this out? i'm willing to provide...
Big + for Sheriff Elon
you deserve it more then anyone you put so much effort in this and i think you will be a great sheriff
<3 good luck, hope to see you Sheriff soon!!
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