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Search results

  1. H

    Rejected OOC insult in FL + Mixing | id: 155400

    after yesterday i did report him for mercy killing he come today and insult me and my family because he did get a panshment the screen of his chat so i talked to my friend so he can translate for me what did he say and it was threating and insulting me and my mother this is the proof of my...
  2. H

    Approved 6.13 Rules of play | id: 155400

    id:155400 he killed me and finished me and speaking with language i don't understand them
  3. H

    Rejected 6.13 Rules of play

    they killed me and finished me with no any reason and i was at my car driving they killed me with shotgun while I'm driving the id 99301 killed me with shotgun and id 155400 finished me and speaking with language i don't understand them
  4. H

    Rejected VDM | ID: 178570

  5. H

    Approved VDM | ID: 145176

  6. H

    Rejected vdm in green zone

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