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  1. J

    Approved CL / 32005

    further more i have 56 years in this city and have never been reported for combat logging it was a crash i logged back in to my last place of exit and it spawned me in the hospital
  2. J

    Approved CL / 32005

    first off it wasnt a combat log i never combat log and dont have a history of combat logging i crashed and second show the full continuous pov i was left there in that corner for like 2 minutes with no one trying to rob me there wasnt anyone near me you just happen to throw 2 different clips in...
  3. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    stop helping cheaters in your family you shoult have your unofficial taken away every event you guys show up to someone is cheating and you still lose
  4. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    lol dont need the pc check theres proof right in the video my hp bar 80% health you 1 tap me with no juice no drug effects
  5. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    he has failed to provide 1 full minute of the event in his clip as stated it has been over 14 hours but i will still provide my full pov of the whole event. this is a known cheat its a revolver damage multiplier
  6. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    your buddy did the same thing last night (mafia grand) and he was blocked for cheating half of your aytek family is running around cheating using this same exact cheat on you pov's the damage numbers stay 53 so it looks like your not not cheating but you 1 shotting everyone this is bs we need...
  7. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    the dudes hits me for 53 with the revolver on his pov but takes my whole health bar what is this???????? this dude cheating bro
  8. J

    Reviewed POV request | id 76821

    dude takes almost my whole health bar with a rev shot i just want to see his damage numbers pop up he had to hit me for over 80 damage
  9. J

    Approved RDM | id 227576

    just chillin in my car when some random comes up and sprays me down in city for no reason
  10. J

    Approved Cheats | ER 1.2 & GR 1.7 | ID: 100982 & 99390 | Aytek family

    this dude 1 shot me and proceeded to one shot every in my family
  11. J

    Rejected DM | ID 31968

    dude decided to go on a killing spree in the city
  12. J

    Rejected fear rp | Big Dave

    i have conformation that i was in a green zone by another admin, Big Daves opinion says i was not in a unscripted green zone i was being held up by 4 people on the airport grounds i was walking next to the airport hanger i am filing an appeal regardless of my punishment the other 4 individuals...
  13. J

    Rejected DM | 131192 | 194742 | 3292 | 195304

    in this body cam you will see 4 players hold me in in an unmarked green zone my body dead body lays next to the aircraft hanger. 4 id numbers i could not fit in the suspect id ill list them here 131192, 194742, 3292, 195304
  14. J

    Approved Demorgan for RDM | Rebel Smith

    i clearly made rp saying im here to steal solar panels and counted down from 5 and saw them draw a weapon and i started shooting
  15. J

    Rejected demorgan for rdm

    my defense for my demorgan the player issuing the thread was too far away to hear my demands but the other 2 did this is my pov
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