im a dept collecter i went to a roof in the middle of city and 2 guys threat me and kill me and no one of them was my target
now im in demorgen they RDM in the middle of the city and i get punished
they kill me on a roof in the middle of the city so it a GZ its not ghetto so they cant do...
and for your information my target was not you id 172095 and id 197328
he was in the back and i have pov taking dept from him so stop reply in this and wait for admin
i was trying to join the high way i sow him coming so i tried to avoid him by keeping my said of high way
but as you can see my car hit the wall and jumped in front of him by mistake he fly from his window
and he pull his gun on me i run away then i came back to talk with him
he pulled...
ok lets make a deal if you have POV that i was with any one in beach market and i shot you
i will ask admin to ban me PERMANENT ban .
first i don't carry any weapon im EMS im not allowed to carry weapon .
second thing i was alone i have a 15 min POV that i was alone in beach market seance i...
some one shot me and i don't know ho i asked them how shot me
and they start to punch id 124014 id 197070 me and insult me and talking in another languages
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