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Search results

  1. samors

    Approved Insulting parents ID 195258

  2. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Adham Pluxury

    The Admin talked if a warning was canceled and Band was not canceled because he got two warnings and not three this is not fair
  3. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Adham Pluxury

    The extra warning of ID 166594 has been removed already, and about your admin complaint to remove your warning you didn't provide you own POV to get warning removed if you didn't break any server rules, also there was more than 3 players that involved and killing wihtout demands on the solar...
  4. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Adham Pluxury

    My friend's account has been canceled a warning from us and now he got that please cancel Rejected - Warn for SK|Adham Pluxury
  5. samors

    Rejected Warn for SK| Family ZERO

    My friend's account has been canceled a warning from us and now he got that please cancel
  6. samors

    Rejected Warn for SK| Family ZERO

    A warning to a family when there are more than 5 people who have been given a warning but unfortunately there are only three people from the Zero family and the rest are not from my family you can be sure
  7. samors

    Rejected Warn for SK| Family ZERO

    6.15 When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and if they do not listen to your demands within 5 seconds you can shoot them. | WARN
  8. samors

    Rejected Warn for SK| Family ZERO

    ID 96151, 106686, 166594, 155590 will receive a punishment for 6.15 General rules. There are people who are not in the family id 106686
  9. samors

    Rejected Warn for SK| Family ZERO

    family and the rest of the people from another family Because there was solar energy. And give them a warning. Approved - Mass RDM | Family ZERO There were only 4 people from the rest of the family from another family that you can make sure of.From the warning laws for the whole family there...
  10. samors

    Approved RDM | 83188

  11. samors

    Approved RDM | 83188

    He comes to families' home and kills them all for no reason. There is another complaint from another family that we can't enjoy playing with the server. I hope to get rid of us because many families complain about this game id 83188
  12. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Richard Dejigalo

    The video has been cut.
  13. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Richard Dejigalo

    Full video without cutting
  14. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats|Richard Dejigalo

    we do a RAID for the family and we win after we win the family get mad and he came to RAID as and the RAID finish and we respect the family but he was toxic and he speak bad words in turkey and i get mad becuse he say very bad worlds for my mom but he dont know i know turkey language and he dont...
  15. samors

    Rejected Ban for Cheats| Richard Dejigalo

    we do a RAID for the family and we win after we win the family get mad and he came to RAID as and the RAID finish and we respect the family but he was toxic and he speak bad words in turkey and i get mad becuse he say very bad worlds for my mom but he dont know i know turkey language...
  16. samors

    Rejected DM | ID 91320 91211 104618 140875

    The Admin who exposed a solar panel with me and revealed your last name
  17. samors

    Rejected DM | ID 91320 91211 104618 140875

    He revealed the addiction to a person who was a member of the family Shelby the name of the admin james pluxery
  18. samors

    Rejected DM | ID 91320 91211 104618 140875

    An admin revealed the name of who planted the painting and was Shelby
  19. samors

    Rejected DM | ID 91320 91211 104618 140875

    we was chilling front of ower family house and they came and kill us for no reason and we didn't have solar panel
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