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  1. C

    Rejected RDM | 100251

    It killed me without giving demands, as seen in the recording, the game has a mute penalty.
  2. C

    Approved VDM | 222830

    All in pov
  3. C

    Approved UB Demands, RDM | 232335

    all in pov
  4. C

    Approved RDM | 137495, 73008

    You have to give me demands here, you can't kill me without demands
  5. C

    Approved RDM | 137495, 73008

    all in pov
  6. C

    Approved Gen 6.18, MK| 230353

    all in pov
  7. C

    Approved Bug Abuse, MK | 85397

    all in pov
  8. C

    Approved RDM | 92621

    All in pov
  9. C

    Approved VDM | 236550, 216056, 153119 and 237270

    1- I don't get out of the car because I was shot from the roof and I didn't hit the player there. 2- I was not given a warning to leave the area 3- The complaining player communicated with his friends via discord (Metagaming)
  10. C

    Approved VDM | 231630

    All in pov
  11. C

    Approved Mercy killing | 112341

    Told the ambulance to leave the area and finished the person on the ground.
  12. C

    Rejected No Demands Shooting in city | ID 153119

    I gave you demands, I'm uploading the video now
  13. C

    Rejected RDM | 91316

    All in pov
  14. C

    Approved RDM | 186441 , 262144

    All in pov.
  15. C

    Approved VDM | 123741

    He constantly crashed into other players in that area, he never got out of his car, everything seems
  16. C

    Rejected RDM | 148065

    The problem is not that you warned me, the problem is that that person shot me and the other person in that area from the top of the crane.
  17. C

    Approved RDM | 148065

    When I died, I saw the bullet trace coming from above and I tried to find out where the player was after he died, but I couldn't see it. When I examined my recording, I saw that the player was on top of the crane in front of me in exactly 00.51-00:52 seconds, if you examine carefully, the shadow...
  18. C

    Rejected RDM | 148065

    The player above the right crane appeared between 39-44 seconds and jumped down from the crane between 1.19-1.22 seconds.
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