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Search results

  1. H

    Rejected Akatsuki | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Akatsuki Family Owner: Akatsuki Happy Discord: Awesome Genome#8794 Fam house number: 1043 Fam Owner Forum Profile: Happy Senxav ID: 18187 Fam history: 3 friends named Happy Anton and Gaitonde were very poor, so they decided to join a family. Their family took care of them...
  2. H

    Rejected Akatsuki | Unoffical Organization

    Family Name - Akatsuki Founder - Akatsuki Happy (18187) Family House No. - 1043 Family Owner Profile Link - happy senxav Family Owner Discord - Awesome Genome#8794 Family Logo : Family History : My name is Akatsuki Happy. I grew up on the streets of Vinewood, making a name for...
  3. H

    Rejected Akatsuki | Unoffical Organization

    Family Name - Akatsuki Founder - Akatsuki Happy (18187) Family House No. - 1043 Family Owner Profile Link - happy senxav Family Owner Discord - Awesome Genome#8794 Family Logo : Family History : The Akatsuki family has been involved in organized crime since the early 1900s. They got...
  4. H

    Approved Unban Appeal | David Pluxury

    I don't have any other account except on server one, this must be some kind of misunderstanding or something, please recheck from your side and unban me.
  5. H

    Rejected Akatsuki | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name - Akatsuki Founder - Akatsuki Happy (18187) Family House No. - 576 Family Owner Profile Link - happy senxav Family Owner Discord - Awesome Genome#8794 Family Logo : Family History : The Akatsuki family has been involved in organized crime since the early 1900s. They got their...
  6. H

    Rejected Rdm

    did not received any warnings
  7. H

    Rejected Fear rp

    told them multiple times to leave the area you can see what happend next
  8. H

    Rejected Someone rammed my car and stole It from the beach market which is green zone

    someone rammed my car outside beach market and stole my car from the green zone
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