So i got perma banned for 1.7 and 1.9.
I passed 5m one day and then another 1.6m to my friend on the next day and they purchased my houses and business for state value.
I don't know why this commends a perma ban since no one was trying to avoid tax as we did not pass anything else and now...
Why are you meta gaming in discord?
Also your friend sound like a guy who is asking me out on a date but look like a girl.
Where i come from, i need no excuse to open you up for acting this way.
And you not even speaking English in unscripted GZ.
Rp is fine.
Hello i was using my MTX Dirt bike and i was jailed by admin based on other players claiming i was ramming them.
I was around the mining areas using the rocks to jump and do flips.
i don't have further clips before because i was not recording, i do this every day and i never ram into anyone and...
Family Name: Cash Cartel
House Number: 973
Family Leader: Burgs Cash
Family Representatives: Rein Cash, Twiggy Cash, Ricky Cash, Billie Cash, Sebastian Cash, Jeffery Cash
Family Leader's ID: 61680
Leader's Discord: BurgsCash#6168
Leaders forum account link: Burg Cash - Burg Cash
After i was killed in ghetto 186033 finds it appropriate to spit on my ICs body.
6.8 It is restricted to do any amoral actions in relation to an unconscious person(e.g. spitting, sexual animations and etc) | BAN 3-7 days
Enjoy your holiday.
Billie has been a great friend to me for the long time i have known him, is a real shame to see this, i hope you can give him a chance and he can learn from a mistake.
Highly commended.
1. Your nickname: Burgs Cash
2. The administrator's nickname: Bobby Delacroix
3. The essence of gratitude (claims): Bobby is a absolute star to me and many others, nothing is to much of a problem for him and his reply's are super fast.
Bobby you should be very proud of your commitment.
I will say this.
Jacob i have known since the day he come to the city, i can give you my word when i say this guy would never cheat, its hard enough to get him away from the beach market, please consider this appeal, it for sure is a mistake.
Me and my team was on way to a turf defence when we was seconds away these people was blocking the road and stared ramming the hell out of me, despite me telling many times we was going to turf defence they just rammed me and then fail rp killed me and mercy killed me. what a way join a rp...
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