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  1. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    Not making you take it down dont get me wrong. Im just trying to explain what happened from my POV. I just dsont know how to record properly
  2. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    Read what i said
  3. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    Im 42228
  4. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    Not here to argue im here to give my side
  5. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    I was cussing you the entire time. That was just the moment it crashed nothing specific
  6. M

    Approved CL / MIXING 42228

    Hi! Im having a lot of game crashing issues ever since i joined. As you can see i was verbally abusive in RP but was not attemting to run. When i get near the beach my game always crashes and this is what happened here. It got really laggy and ended up crashing. I dont have POV as i dont record...
  7. M

    Rejected Ban for General 6.19| Pablo Schmiddt

    Hi! Today i was hanging around with my friend in front of the hotel and was talking around with some people. I dropped someone a few masks and a few seconds later was Blocked for General 6.19 which is to do with racism. This is completely unfair as i never said any such thing. Whatever the...
  8. M

    Rejected Appeal ID 42228

    Hi! Today i was hanging around with my friend infront of the hotel and was talking around with some people. I dropped someone a few masks and a few seconds later was Blocked for General 6.19 which is to do with racism. This is completely unfair as i never said any such thing. Whatever the...
  9. M

    Rejected Unban appeal

    Just to add the other language in the clip is Bulgarian. I didnt say anything in Bulgarian ingame only in discord. If you know anyone from your team that knows the language they can listen and confirm i said nothing bad in it too.
  10. M

    Rejected Unban appeal

    Hi! Today i was hanging around with my friend infront of the hotel and was talking around with some people. I dropped someone a few masks and a few seconds later was Blocked for General 6.19 which is to do with racism. This is completely unfair as i never said any such thing. Whatever the...
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