So a while ago I recieved a random ban for cheating in the form of collecting strawberries, which to this day nobody came forward and gave me any proof. Now that I saw this perticular thread I am convinced that you guys are banning people without any...
My ID: 67125
My Name: Boris Bukov
Cought strawberry farming with cheats? Show me the proof and I will show you why it is flawed, your script spawns sometimes multiple items in the same place, not to mention the locations that are never changing. So all it took get banned is to learn maybe 8 or...
My ID: 67125
My Name: Boris Bukov
Apparently I got banned at midnight, a time when I was not even online on the server. Came on this morning just to find out I have been banned for cheats, but I guess I am not the only one. I am not pointing fingers here it could have been a mistake/bug, but...
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