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Search results

  1. H

    Rejected Leader Of Marabunta | Danny Vuitton

    Danny on top
  2. H

    Rejected close

  3. H

    Rejected fear rp | 124987

    Pleas close this report Admin
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    Approved fear rp | 313748

    all in pov
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    Approved fear rp | 313747

    all in pov
  6. H

    Rejected fear rp | 124987

    all in pov
  7. H

    Reviewed VDM | 44039

    Admin please close thanks
  8. H

    Reviewed VDM | 44039

    All in POV
  9. H

    Rejected Leader of Bloods | Albo Shelby

    He will be a good leader and his term will be the best term ever
  10. H

    Rejected kill in HQ | 148152

    close this form thanks
  11. H

    Rejected kill in HQ | 148152

    all in POV
  12. H

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Arda Tateman

    I was the one who reported and can now see after some clarification that it was not fearrp as guns were not pointed at him. He did he best to go down but it was glick on heโ€™s eye when he was trying to go down on the ladder
  13. H

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Jessica Odds

    I didn't see this point of view and know that I can see that I didn't fear rp
  14. H

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Jessica Odds

    I am not even the person that killed ID 310940
  15. H

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Jessica Odds

    My intention wasnt to kill but to infilct more fear by making the player weak
  16. H

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Jessica Odds

    Hello, As shown in my POV you can see me giving the player demands of leaving the area, however as shown this player decided to ignore my initiation and walk straight past my gun into the environment of several gang members further showing them not fearing for their life. It is quite cleary...
  17. H

    Approved Leader of FIB | Elrussi Flawless

    best leader for FIB
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