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  1. P

    Rejected Provoking/RDM 186720

    Clearly seen given demands to leave the property then coming back seconds later and killing a member of our family. This has been an ongoing issue of multiple people on the server doing this.
  2. P

    Rejected Vehicle ramming, following

    hi, i usually don’t post in here because i don’t usually have too many issues. but i have this person here that has been following me around for the past 15mins trying to kill me. any time i get out of a vehicle he is either ramming me with his car or trying to punch me. no communication between...
  3. P

    Rejected Banned for gen rule 3.1

    i would like to start by stating i understand and accept the ban i was given but i would like to elaborate on the situation. My boy chick oops idk his number, but he was on the game the past two days talking crap in the club chat. i continuously asked him to stop as it was annoying. he continued...
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