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  1. MaxDrifteR

    Reviewed RDM + VDM | 151511

    RDM + VDM
  2. MaxDrifteR

    Reviewed Wrong decision I Danny Reis

    A person came to my family house and I demanded him to leave from here, I will give him 5 seconds. After it went away it came back again doing this again and again all in pov
  3. MaxDrifteR

    Reviewed Helping Cheaters | Teja Chowdary

    Dear Lebron. i think i got banned bcoz of this screenshot, but i wasn't helping anyone, there was a new member in our family id:138505, we hired him from hotel and later he also joined family discord, we were watching everyone's pov after a event and with that he also started screen sharing and...
  4. MaxDrifteR

    Rejected Hassy Davids

    i got ban for gen rule 1.8 i did not know this rule for transfer money twink to main id for this rule break i will be really really sorry even my fm members told me about this rule for this please unban me i accept money wipe
  5. MaxDrifteR

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Hassy Davids

    i got ban for gen rule 1.8 i did not know this rule for transfer money twink to main id for tis rule break i will be really really sorry for this please unban me i accept money wipe
  6. MaxDrifteR

    Rejected Pending Unblock | Lebron Pluxary

    Hello dear chief of admin, My account was blocked permanently few days ago for GR 6.22 which i didn't even break, the thread owner put wrong Id as you can see Approved - gen rule 6.22 | 107288 the Id wrong my fam leader had a conversation with Nego Ilya where he said that he will talk to you...
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