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Search results

  1. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1. MAHATHIR AL GONI 2. 18 3. GMT+6 4. 4-8 HOURS 5. blackfalcon1268 6. Blackfalcon Tzariar 7.58373 Additional information 1. For helping people and gaining new experiences. 2. Patience and hard work. 3. Easily trusting people 4.yes 5.yes
  2. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved RDM |106860

    I was standing over there suddenly that guy started hitting me in the Parking Space 16.
  3. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

    Information 1. Your name IRL- Mahathir Al Goni 2. Your age- 18 3. Time zone-(GMT+6) 4. Average online per day- (4-8 hours) 5. Your Discord- blackfalcon1268 6. Your Nickname- Blackfalcon Tzariar 7. Your ID- 58373 Additional Information 1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) 2. Why do...
  4. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved GR 3.1 , 3.2 | 98960

    I was doing my jobs . he came and used those words for nothing .
  5. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    I want to become an admin to have new experiences as well as to help others, It's been a long time since I'm working as both LEO and a Criminal. I almost worked in every organization, I got lots of knowledges about this city rules working there. So, now I want to help everyone with my...
  6. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information : 1. Mahathir Al Goni 2. 18 3. GMT+6 4. 6 hours 5. ๐—•๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ ๐—™๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ป#1268 6. Black Falcone 7. 58373 Additional Information : 1. I have already experienced the state jobs and also I did crime in this city. Now I want to work as an admin in this city and help the citizens with my service...
  7. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved 24667 | Car Ramming

    There was an emergency call of ATM robbery . And the suspect was hitting me with his car .
  8. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved Fear RP | 12862

    He wasn't putting his hands up when we asked him after aiming at him but he punched
  9. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Rejected Applications for Marabunta Grande

    sorrry sir it was just a mistake , I just accidentally did this forum on city 1 . but Im in city 2
  10. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved Fear RP | 44774

    I was about to arrest this 10-14 and he left the city
  11. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved Gen rule 6.2 Fear RP | 66497

    This 10-15 just left the city when I was going to arrest him
  12. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    Information 1. Your name IRL : Mahathir 2. Your age : 18 3. Time zone : GMT+6 4. Average online per day : 9 hours 5. Your Discord : ๐—•๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ ๐—™๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ป#1268 6. Your Nickname : Black Falcon 7. Your ID : 58373 Additional information 1. Leader of Marabunta Grande 2. Why do you want to be a leader of...
  13. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Rejected Applications for Marabunta Grande

    1. Your name IRL : Mahathir 2. Your age : 18 3. Time zone : GMT+6 4. Average online per day : 9 hours 5. Your Discord : ๐—•๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ ๐—™๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ป#1268 6. Your Nickname : Black Falcon 7. Your ID : 58373 Additional information 1. Leader of Marabunta Grande 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this...
  14. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved GR 6.2 | Id 45999 42590

    Trespasser got into Fort Zancudo . We chased them and when we knocked them down they left the game.
  15. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved broke General rule for green zone 1.1

    Suddenly two people started hitting me and they were fight in the trade market and one killed a person by shooting him in the trade market.
  16. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Rejected VDM in Green Zone

    I just got healed from hospital and was crossing the road he killed me with his vehicle .
  17. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved Gen rule 1.8 Aki_Sixninez

    Yes I agree
  18. Blackfalcon Tzariarr

    Approved Gen rule 1.8 Aki_Sixninez

    Sorry, I didn't knew the rules that I can't transact money from my one to another account . Now I making sure that I won't do this kind of works next time. And will read the terms and rules of the game first . May I hope that you will be kind enough to forgive me as I'm new to this game and I...
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