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  1. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    i dont have POV but i have screenshots of chats in discord
  2. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    im trying to work things out but hes ghosting me, I just want to trade back thats all but hes not listnening to me. Ik that he wants to make profit from the backpack but the problem is that i have been working 2 weeks for the backpack and its now like i have been working for nothing And i did...
  3. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    i have been working 2 weeks for that backpack bc i crafted it with luminious stone so please lets trade back and we both will be happy
  4. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    yes but i did not know that one is free and i said can we trade back. because thats when i found out that the backpack is free, now im texting him but hes not responding to anything and not trading back, lets trade back and there will be no problem i can give you some money if you want, and we...
  5. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    im trying to get my backpack back and give his back
  6. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    Here i think now its clear Screenshot-20211001-153848-Discord
  7. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    Can you add me on discord and i can sent you there? My discord is Vanix#7942
  8. M

    Rejected Scamming | 20k something like that id

    Scammed me with the 50 day backpack. I dont have any pov but if image is not clear please contact me on discord : Vanix#7942. Suspect discord :Avi#7569 I dont have his id i wasnt recording but it was something with 20k id
  9. M

    Approved Fail RP | 72010

    Fail RP
  10. M

    Rejected Killing in GZ | 66079

    sorry i was not recording the replay did not get that part
  11. M

    Rejected Killing in GZ | 66079

    idk why the replay did not record my voice
  12. M

    Rejected Killing in GZ | 66079

    So i was playing and i miss clicked, Then i said sorry and he started saying something in another launguage , then killed me
  13. M

    Rejected Killing in GZ | 66079

    Killing in GZ
  14. M

    Approved VDM and Shooting in GZ | 68641, 65128

    you ware the one doing that...
  15. M

    Approved VDM and Shooting in GZ | 68641, 65128

    I wasnt herassing people, i was just looking to find a car... And why would i harass, i have better stuff to do than to horass.
  16. M

    Approved VDM and Shooting in GZ | 68641, 65128

    Do i have to upload the video on other platform?
  17. M

    Approved VDM and Shooting in GZ | 68641, 65128

    I was just looking for a car and they started to swear at me in Serbian and shoot at me in Gz
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