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Search results

  1. Karma Hatake

    Rejected GEN 6.24 & 6.15 | 321537

    My audio didn't pick up but you can see he tells me to leave so i try to leave and then he shoots me while I'm doing the electrician job and then he mercies me.
  2. Karma Hatake

    Approved CL | 136542

    My bodycam wasnt recording my audio for some reason but as you can see he is complaining about a visual bug but then leaves the game after i uncuff him. at 2:20 you can hear him complaining about the bug. at 2:30 i uncuff him to try and fix his bug but he quits.
  3. Karma Hatake

    Rejected Government corrupt bio | Laura Hatake | 207865

    Name: Laura Hatake Gender: Female Age: 28 Nationality: Scottish Place of Birth: Hokkaido, Japan Sexuality: Pansexual Eye color: Brown (wears coloured contacts) Hair color: Blue (dyed) Tattoos: Arms, legs, back, torso and neck Strengths: Deception, parkour, unarmed combat Weakness: Easily...
  4. Karma Hatake

    Approved CL | ID 149015 ID 148756

    CL multiple times. This time we caught them on bodycam CL on the roof of the library, you can hear me relaying that they have been shot down and you can see them instantly CL at the same time after they were shot down. I submitted this earlier but the video was cut so I have uploaded the full clip.
  5. Karma Hatake

    Rejected CL | ID 149015 ID 148756

  6. Karma Hatake

    Rejected CL | ID 149015 ID 148756

    CL multiple times. This time we caught them on bodycam CL on the roof of the library, you can hear me relaying that they have been shot down and you can see them instantly CL at the same time after they were shot down.
  7. Karma Hatake

    Approved Marabunta Leader [ Koda Keen ] 224036

    BIG + !!! Koda has the energy and the skills to be a GREAT leader and I fully believe in him to do the best job!
  8. Karma Hatake

    Rejected LEADER OF SAHP| Ashton Davis

    I CANT BELIEVE UR LEAVING US AT DOC!!!! but you'll be a great leader no matter where you are! come visit us :')
  9. Karma Hatake

    Approved EMS GR 6.5 / 215682

    Dude approached me after healing someone and tried to rob me right after, I wasn't sure what to do so I put my hands up as he pointed a gun right at me.
  10. Karma Hatake

    Rejected Leader of NG | Kay ToeFoot

    Good luck, Kay! You have my full support!
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