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  1. J

    Rejected random punching / 99504

    illegal screen recording, You cannot hear his voice
  2. J

    Approved GR 6.2 | 177271

    so i was following her a while for speeding, then after sometime you can see that she had the guts to say BYE the going into her garage. Kindly punish.
  3. J

    Rejected GR 6.2 | 177271

    so i was following her a while for speeding, then after sometime you can see that she had the guts to say BYE the going into her garage. Kindly punish.
  4. J

    Rejected Warn for Fail RP | Rocky Royal

    hello admin team. As you can see in the link that i provided you can see that posted somebody for killing before event. Firstly, you can see that i got for metagaming But how, it was 4 min before the event started, so everyone come in the discord before the event. secondly, I got for Fail RP For...
  5. J

    Rejected Wrong decision | Rocky Royal

    hello admin team. As you can see in the link that i provided you can see that posted somebody for killing before event. Firstly, you can see that i got for metagaming But how, it was 4 min before the event started, so everyone come in the discord before the event. secondly, I got for Fail RP...
  6. J

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 130786

    Kindly stop texting in my forum
  7. J

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 130786

    If you have the POV, the you can gladly post
  8. J

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 130786

    i dont have as i just came back from game crash. The rulebreak is clearly visibile
  9. J

    Approved CR | 170458

  10. J

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | 91414

    no. but another POV as you asked for, and for admin to see
  11. J

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 175723

    if the rulebreak is visible then no need for the 1min POV
  12. J

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | 91414

    here is aonother POV from
  13. J

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | 91414

    My POV is clear, no need for me to post anymore
  14. J

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | 91414

    So as you can see right before the event you can see ID 91414 kill everyone
  15. J

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 130786

    am not lying. the raid was done after raid this happend
  16. J

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 130786

    as you can see i started to give demand but stopped since they where so many, the out of nowhere ID 130786 started shooting at me and mercy killed me after
  17. J

    Rejected Fear Rp | 63765

    Hello i am ID 63765. as you can cleary see, when i was trying to go down i fell to the stairs, then after that i fell from Stairwell to the ground. its not my fault that it happend.
  18. J

    Rejected SR 5.4 | 63765

    violation of State rule 5.4 state that you cannot arrest somebody while it is a gunfight, in the POV you can clearly see that the gunfight was over at the place off cuffs.
  19. J

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | LSPD

    Firstly may i say i am ID 63765. As you can see at the start of the POV i clearly said in radio we will be going peacefully. But you can see Many NG and SAHP shooting. so its not a rulebreak from LSPD side. Another reason all started to shoot at you guys is because we got shoot on by somebode...
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