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Search results

  1. Tariq Plux

    Approved VDM | 54026

    All in pov
  2. Tariq Plux

    Approved Ear Rape | 78940

    All in POV
  3. Tariq Plux

    Approved GZ 1.1| 66742 ,12452

    All in pov
  4. Tariq Plux

    Reviewed Pov request | 57267

    as you can see in his pov he killed me on purpose :confused:
  5. Tariq Plux

    Reviewed Pov request | 57267

    i guess this guy killed me in mall event and he was my teammatt sry for the loud music 👀
  6. Tariq Plux

    Rejected RDM I Hassy Davids

    Dear lebron As you can see in my pov this guy gived me demand and i didnt leave the area so we started the fight i didnt understand where is the rule breake here. I asked an admin before about if someone gived me demand and he said i can shoot him after he gived me demand or after i give him...
  7. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Hassy Davids

    i want to ask you please did you rejected because of caps or the decision thanks and sry again im not trying to spam
  8. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Hassy Davids

    Dear lebron As you can see in my pov this guy gived me demand and i didnt leave the area so we started the fight i didnt understand where is the rule brake here. I asked an admin before about if someone gived me demand and he said i can shoot him after he gived me demand or after i give him...
  9. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Wrong Decision I HASSY DAVIDS

    Dear lebron As you can see in my pov this guy gived me demand and i didnt leave the area so we started the fight i didnt understand where is the rule brake here. I asked an admin before about if someone gived me demand and he said i can shoot him after he gived me demand or after i give him...
  10. Tariq Plux

    Approved Parents Insult / 96908

    all in pov
  11. Tariq Plux

    Approved CR / 95297

    all in pov
  12. Tariq Plux

    Approved Event Rules 1.11 / 39321

    All in pov
  13. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Shooting in gz + Provoking /81303,83817

    Mad wdym ? LoL I'm just chilling and watching how toxic you're friend is. look he is just watching 😂
  14. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Shooting in gz + Provoking /81303,83817

    Your friend didn't go to arena for the 1 vs 1 + he can't go to ghetto alone because you friend had 4 people with him as well lol, bro wait did you called me b*** 🤔 I'll repport you as someone did yesterday 😂
  15. Tariq Plux

    Rejected Shooting in gz + Provoking /81303,83817

    OH look who is talking about crying looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 🤣 i'm done for today. You made my day btw thank you soo much.
  16. Tariq Plux

    Approved OOC Insult | ID: 75630

    It wasn't me lol if it was me i would agree to go ghetto with you idc because you are an easy guy to kill lol you are just talking too much and you cant go to ghetto alone lol
  17. Tariq Plux

    Approved OOC Insult | ID: 75630

    The funny part is you are proud of your self when you are talking shiit to people that they are just chilling and having fun in the city lol that isn't good + reporting for insulting them for insulting you wow lol
  18. Tariq Plux

    Approved OOC Insult | ID: 75630

    you were scared to go arena so you choose to cry as usual or what ? lol BRUUUUH that was boring i thought we will have some fun today but unlucky:ROFLMAO:
  19. Tariq Plux

    Rejected GEN RULES 6.15 | 64091

    he didnt give me a propre demand
  20. Tariq Plux

    Approved RDM / 1498 / 89937

    I gave demand and after 5 sec i started shooting
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