he text me to selling P1 case I send gps Then he come i send offer and i Put 560,000 For 38 P1 case first He cancle and Say Dont Try to scam I dont Know why
then i said What scam so he silent Then I send again And confirm the exchange After this As You can see In my discord My Friend say to me...
Dear admins
I just came in my fam house and he just Raid on My family and he won when i come Raid is finsh;
so i do animation for Cry the Guy Punch me 1time I punch him and after 20sec He Said Drop your All Iligal Items i said Ok
and i Drop my revolver and revolver Ammo So he said give all...
Dear Admin:
Sir I have a Pc and its all overlay You can see the full Pov and In left side on a chat you have to see my Email voice and its a night time i alone in emails and My friends Go to sleep and My email On push to talk and my email push to talk and nvidia and in game in a same buttion...
his friend 162227 try to kill me and then i kill him and his friend is come from outside and try to killing me I not fire any single bullet but he Kill me without any reason
so i requestd to you Punish him Thank for listening me
Dear Admins
Dear Lebron Sir:
I Dont Know That Banicam Is Not Allowed For Recordiing my pc specs Not That Much Good thats Why I cant use other apps for recording next time it will be Not Happend
this is my First Time Last time appeal For Unban My account i am still Learning the rules after that I will try to...
Dear Lebron Sir:
As You can see From the POV provided By the Player Against Me: its Clear that he Was running In to me When we well Fighting into getto and As a result of Aiming: Shotting and him running into Me this accidental sitution happened.
Requsting you to please reconcider my sitution...
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