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Search results

  1. K

    Approved Deathmatch KOS | ID 2448

    I had just finished making breakfast in real life ( ham and eggs). I literally sat down to eat my food and I see this guy. He doesn't say a word to me, just pulls up and pulls a gun and sprays me down. Killing on sight, Deathmatch and power gaming are the rules I believe he broke. Regards...
  2. K

    Rejected Deathmatch, Powergaming | ID 37092

    I came to Blue HQ upon the instruction of a Crip I met who recruited me, named Mustafa( discord name Musse). We played for about 7 hours yesterday, farming and working together. He was showing me the ropes and teaching me server mechanics. He told me to come to HQ today to look for him and speak...
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