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Search results

  1. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected Juhny Mercy Killing

    Hi Junhy, while I'm not even holding my sight, the bullet scatters and hits the quis because of the gun in my hand. It's not something I did deliberately. You'll see it in the video anyway. I want my warning removed from you.
  2. Jesse Vuitton

    Approved Leader of Vagos | Bugra Caglar

  3. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected MercyKilling 254673

    This man did us mercykilling while we were dead in the ghetto
  4. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected RDM 174557, 196215

  5. Jesse Vuitton

    Approved VDM 239511

  6. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected VDM 174767

  7. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected VDM 174767

    hit me with the car and killed me
  8. Jesse Vuitton

    Approved VDM | 221796

  9. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected VDM

  10. Jesse Vuitton

    Rejected RDM, MERCY KILLING | 227705

    Someone killed me while the oilman was doing his job. I know it's late to start recording, but I want him to be punished for punching me to death.
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