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  1. Snake Victor

    Rejected Warn for GZ rule 1.3 I Aman singh

    As u can see in first when the guy started shooting me i was just afking near the GZ but it was not red zone not a green zone so if the guy shoots u , u ofc gets panic and u will try get move from there and if i wouldve gone from red zone to green zone than it would be considered as GZ rule 1.3...
  2. Snake Victor

    Rejected Warn for Gz Rule 1.3

    As u can see in first when the guy started shooting me i was just afking near the GZ but it was not red zone not a green zone so if the guy shoots u , u ofc gets panic and u will try get move from there and if i wouldve gone from red zone to green zone than it would be considered as GZ rule 1.3...
  3. Snake Victor

    Approved GZ RULES 1.1 I 101434

    Everything is in the pov
  4. Snake Victor

    Approved Possible Cheats I 94073 , 81578

    This Redux is legal it's approved by Admins
  5. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Close the forum

  6. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Close the forum

    I didnt died So , how it is NLR ?
  7. Snake Victor

    IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

    Yousuf will be the best leader
  8. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    So I start shooting yu
  9. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    Bro what you saying man in your pov yu can see i stopped for 10 sec to start pov but yu start shooting
  10. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    Bro what I can do if it is a game bug what I can do tell what I can do
  11. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    And I reweared my clothes 3 times before clands but it dint changed
  12. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    When bro i came back do you have pov of that
  13. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    In the your pov yu can see that I stop for 10 sec because I was starting the pov but it take some time and yu just start shooting so I start shooting you
  14. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    In the your pov yu can see that I stop for 10 sec because I was starting the pov but it take some time and yu just start shooting so I start shooting yu
  15. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    And you can give punishment but
  16. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    And I'm accepting this is my fualt
  17. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    After that I did not came to clands
  18. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    Bro listen when I came to The clands it was just 1 min when I enter and yu killed me but when I realised that I am not wearing the green clothes i just wear them and this not lie
  19. Snake Victor

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 64224

    Bcz i realised that that was my fault I was not wearing green clothes
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