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  1. C

    Reviewed VDM | 384065, 396665, 214726

    All in POV, multiple VDM.
  2. C

    Rejected RDM | 85059, 341375, 319989

    All in POV . Also in pov 308973 but he already received punishment.
  3. C

    Approved OCC insult | 158358

    Everything in POV. English then Turkish language insult for no reason in green zone. Please if Turkish admin can review this situation.
  4. C

    Approved Deceiving admins | King Specter

    player ID 213509 try to deceive admin, my punishment is over i just dont want him to do this to another player. i give him 2 times demand to leave, when he came 3 time i killed him. This is his report: https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/698900/#post-2483587 And this is my with POV of second...
  5. C

    Reviewed Fail RP | 213509

  6. C

    Reviewed Fail RP | 213509

    So this player report me for killing without demands. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/698900/#post-2483587 This situation lasted more then ten minutes i give him 2 times demand to leave when he came 3 time i killed him. Considering i have instant reply of 10minutes on i have only second...
  7. C

    Approved Fail Rp | 206266

    Everything in the pov
  8. C

    Rejected RDM | 334576

    Everything in POV
  9. C

    Reviewed Cheats | 343104

    everything in POV, tp-ing around map to scrap metal locations.
  10. C

    Approved VDM + UB HELI I 233190

    you are toxic as hell thats all i can say, a lot of people complaine on you, go getto, you big hero
  11. C

    Approved VDM + UB HELI I 233190

    never go where helicopter is trying to land its dangers for life.
  12. C

    Approved VDM + UB HELI I 233190

    After you threatened me in gang chat " see you in gov" i came to see what you talking about because i didn't understand . Now i understand, sorry it didn't look that way on my screen i didnt see i kill you its probably dsync.
  13. C

    Approved RDM | 155852

    Everything in POV . Out of nowhere this guy comes while i was planting seeds in front of house and killed me.
  14. C

    Rejected UB demand | 293140

    Everything in POV
  15. C

    Approved GR 6.15 and VDM I 233190

    As you can see i am trying to take off with heli and you exited out of car it is accident. Sorry man only guy that i see here VDM is you
  16. C

    Rejected RDM I 233190

    you already reported me for this and you got rejected. it was accident man. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/539992/
  17. C

    Rejected VDM I 233190

    Compare to you i dont have any complaints on me doing VDM during fight. This was clearly accident.
  18. C

    Rejected VDM I 233190

    Sorry to say i didn't want to kill anybody with my landing i want to fight proper way it was clearly de-sync. Please look my video:
  19. C

    Rejected VDM | 292979

    everything in POV. While i proceeded to another location after i saw him . His greedy UB driving destroy my heli and kill me.
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