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Search results

  1. E

    Rejected PC CHECK | 57480

    They open me i am cheating but i want pc check
  2. E

    Approved Possible Cheats | 57480

    i dont have pov i want pc check if you think i am cheat
  3. E

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 57480

    i dont have pov but i want pc check because they open posible cheat
  4. E

    Approved Possible Cheats | 57480

    illegal revolver and illegal redux and i want pc check
  5. E

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 57480

    nice illegal redux and nice illegal revolver
  6. E

    Rejected Possible cheats | 194690

    i am already get ban
  7. E

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.11 / 137495

    no i got alredy punishment for Event Rule 1.11
  8. E

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.11 / 137495

    you can see
  9. E

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.11 / 137495

    i got alderdy punishment for that
  10. E

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Zessy Pluxury

    you can see hear
  11. E

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Zessy Pluxury

    You can see in my pov i'm not saying anything i'm not doing 3.1 but Zessy Pluxury is banning
  12. E

    Rejected Insult Countries ID 137495

    I have same
  13. E

    Rejected Insult Countries ID 137495

    You can't animate while we're on the ground
  14. E

    Rejected Insult Countries ID 137495

    country name not written
  15. E

    Rejected Insult Countries ID 137495

    The video is very short, it should take at least 1 minute.
  16. E

    Approved OOC insults | 194690

    I can’t read
  17. E

    Approved Pov Request I İD :194690

    its game bug its not my problem
  18. E

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 103359

    take damage while behind the box
  19. E

    Approved RDM and Revenge Kill in the city | 194690

    If I'm shooting friends, that forum should open, not you.
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