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Search results

  1. Michael Smiley

    Approved EMS GR 6.5 | 391413

    I responded to a call and was patching a person in the middle of the road, I admit I did not park my car to shield myself from traffic however I did not have much time as I felt that it had taken me fairly long to respond due to me crashing because of bad driving and car accidents when I was on...
  2. Michael Smiley

    Rejected Leader of EMS | Steve Haines

    One of the most deserving people for EMS Leader, full support my bro, good luck.
  3. Michael Smiley

    Approved EMS GR 6.5 | 353669

    Hello, I am Micheal Smiley, a medical student at EMS. I was on duty accepting calls when I came across the call of a person, who required medical attention near black market. I reached the call and could not find their body hence I tried to move around which is when I luckily caught the ID of...
  4. Michael Smiley

    Approved EMS GR 6.5 | 225832

    Hello, this is Micheal Smiley, a Medical Student at the EMS. Today I was doing calls, working as an EMS responder and was on-duty when the incident took place. I accepted a call which was in front of the bank at Alta, Hawick Avenue. I patched up the caller and assisted them with their wounds and...
  5. Michael Smiley

    Approved GR 6.16 - Fail RP - Mixing | Smiley Family

    I hope you know that you guys were already dead , which means we did not pull you over or anything . Second thing is that you can clearly see that there's 7 people robbing you and you can also see that the car we have in your POV is a BMW M5 E34 which can store a maximum of 5 people , 1 driver...
  6. Michael Smiley

    Approved Scamming | 242701

    He put out an AD that he was selling a house for 4 million . I had 3.2 million so I negotiated with him to sell the house for 3 million . After that he agreed and then told me to come over to the house . I went over to him and checked out the house . Since it was my first time buying a house he...
  7. Michael Smiley

    Rejected Killing in GZ at Black Market | 243023

    I was at the black market buying stuff and two dude's , the guy I'm reporting and his friend (Player ID: 243022) pull up and start shooting afk people , I tell them that it is GZ and they then kill me , obviously I got furious cuz they said "shut up bitch" and so I typed in Non RP chat "see you...
  8. Michael Smiley

    Approved CL while getting robbed | 74617

    Me and my friends were robbing people in 2 gang cars and we pull up to this lady , we tell her to get out and put her hands up in the air and instead she says "I'm in my head can you like fuck off , I'm baby sitting my two brothers" . Obviously we don't listen and ask her to get out cuz we want...
  9. Michael Smiley

    Approved Running into Green Zone | 132714

    Me and my 3 other friends were robbing people in 2 gang cars , when we saw the Green G-Wagon of the person I'm reporting , we went and demanded the car to pull over but the person didn't pull over , instead she ran over to green grass and started arguing that she can do that . She argued that we...
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