listen to your cropped video first and listen to what upgrades I told u it has then u raise a forum with correct prove now ur wasting my time and admins time for letteral no prove and no correct evidence
Hello I am the guy accused for lying to this guy basically tells me that he doesn't see the upgrades and when I told him specifically that everything is max besides Engine i said it so many times i got Angry and he brought his friends and they all went like no its all zero upgrades and tried to...
as as he says in his words he left the city 9 days so in the photo it says the stuff was taken before 11 days so it was before he leaves the city so before @
justersupz start acussing me stealing please learn how to calculate ....
Hello I am the guy that is wrongly accused of stealing these items first of all I've been wrongly accused because this guy in particular have problems in OOC, and he was threatening to get me banned and second of all this guy told me to take some of the stuff and didn't tell me why, and then he...
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