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Search results

  1. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see his pov...
  2. Rivu_

    Rejected Mute For Fl in CC | Jimmy Balencia

    Dear Lebron,Hope You Have great so i got muted for FL.I not did it for intentionally i got bugged when i pressed t it started typing in cc i didn't notice my friend also typed wc for me but admin didn't listen.Hope you understand...It's a game bug...
  3. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see how he was shooting through covers.I want the pov..Ignore the voice>>>
  4. Rivu_

    Rejected Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see his pov
  5. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    i want to see how he killed me...
  6. Rivu_

    Approved Jail For Trolling Event | Yashwanth Trigger

    Dear Lebron,Hope you have a great day so i got demorgan for Trolling in event where i was shooting in go carts vs snipers event and its consider as a ooc event i don't know why they gave me jail for 120 minutes for players made event.120minutes is too much and before my friend got jail for same...
  7. Rivu_

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 72384

    Bro you are a debt collector you must known this rule because everyone kill you guys
  8. Rivu_

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 72384

    The only scripted gz is considered as gz i. This area rest it's a red zone they can rob you here also
  9. Rivu_

    Rejected Mute For Toxicity| Yashwanth Trigger

    But the Sahp officer disrespect the org fast
  10. Rivu_

    Rejected Mute For Toxicity| Yashwanth Trigger

    Dear Lebron,Hope You have a great day so today we were in raid and we got a argument with Sahp officer so i just type sahp down bad for that reason Yashwanth mute me for toxicity in club chat .But while others were doing toxicity he didn't mute them when i ask why mute me he say that..But a guy...
  11. Rivu_

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Yaswanth Trigger

    Dear Lebron,Hope You have a great day so today we were in raid and we got a argument with Sahp officer so i just type sahp down bad for that reason Yashwanth mute me for toxicity in club chat .But while others were doing toxicity he didn't mute them when i ask why mute me he say that..But a guy...
  12. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov req I 0000

    Give him pc + er 1.7 pls
  13. Rivu_

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Rivu Smurf | 71539

    Organization: FIB Name: Rivu Smurf Gender: Male Age: 41 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: India Sexuality: Straight Eye colour: Dark Brown Hair colour: White Tattoos: Yes Strengths: leadership , Shooter Weakness: Greed for money Background: Rivu had grown up in the gritty neighborhoods of...
  14. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Request | 99977

  15. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Request | 99977

    ahhh self report this redux is illegal now enjoy
  16. Rivu_

    Rejected RDM / 71539

    hhahaha so funny coming under cover with fib car and puting rdm?
  17. Rivu_

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see his pov./.
  18. Rivu_

    Approved Jail For VDM | Del Federal

    here my pov
  19. Rivu_

    Approved Jail For VDM | Del Federal

    Dear Lebron,Hope You have a great day..So i got punished for Vdm which i not did.I was driving the car but in my screen he was not in my front and he came front of my car.So there is no reason for punishment..
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