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  1. Keshav Nandan

    Approved CR | 131733

    He rammed my car 2 times intentionally. All in POV.
  2. Keshav Nandan

    Reviewed Fail RP | 123123

    Writing while unconscious, Fail Rp.
  3. Keshav Nandan

    Approved Fail RP | 159718

    I have the pov as well if the respected admin request it i will provide that too. You don't take tension.
  4. Keshav Nandan

    Approved Fail RP | 159718

    He was typing while he was dead. He did fail RP.
  5. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.3 | Harry King

    Lebron its a humble request kindly take this into consideration. Forgive me this time please.
  6. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.3 | Harry King

    Dear Lebron, First of all, congratulations for Curator of project. I was not in the city for a while but now i came back again in city and Its very pleasing to see you as curator of my favourite rp project. I just want to again apologise to you for what i did in past, i know and accept my...
  7. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Pina Reapers

    It is wrong decision that i got jail for vdm. First of all that guy was standing in road also his health was low so he died by my car.There is no proof that i did vdm to him, its his mistake that he was on road.
  8. Keshav Nandan

    Approved Bug Abuse | 157734

    Bro sometime this is due to connection lost problem as well, its not a bug abuse. Also he come at same place so his intension was not to do any bug abuse.
  9. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected RDM | 152382,159509

    we know what we need to know and here its not about new or old id its about rule break and he did that so he has to face the punishment as well. Rules are same for a day 1 guy and old guy thats it
  10. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected RDM | 152382,159509

    Bro is doing more rule break to save himself from one rule break lol, Now he is deceiving admins by editing the original proof.
  11. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected Ban for Bug Abuse | Usama Volkov

    Dear Admins, I was on my family house standing there and suddenly i got ban for Bug Abuse but i didn’t do any bug abuse so how can i be banned for this? You can check my logs as well that i have done nothing like that. After that my one family member told me that he also got ban for bug abuse...
  12. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected RDM | 152382,159509

    Bro caught in 4k in his pov :whistle:
  13. Keshav Nandan

    Reviewed GR 1.3 | 153436

    3:00 - whole deal 5:20 - He Accepts he got 12.3m if fam balance 6:00 - He started scam and saying that he see only 800k in fam balance 9:30 - He denied to give my deputy perms to check fam logs 21:30 - Business goes to auction 27:10 - He fired my deputy (in front of Ken Admin) 43:50 - He done...
  14. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected RDM | 104783

    cant u see that all overlays was recorded also i have used nvidia recorder for your kind information
  15. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected RDM | 104783

    all in pov they killed me and my friend without any demands
  16. Keshav Nandan

    Reviewed GR 1.3 | 153436

    My POV shows the full situation to understand what happened. If you have POV why dont you provide that of the time when you withdraw the money from fam balance. Also its not been 48 hours from the incident so this pov is valid. Also you are deceiving admins about the whole situation
  17. Keshav Nandan

    Reviewed GR 1.3 | 153436

    Dear Admin, I own a Family in EN 2. We were buying a 15 Beds Plantation Business from this guy, but what he told me is that he haven’t collected the profit for business so now he have to sell me the business with the whole family, and he told me to send one of my deputy to his family with the...
  18. Keshav Nandan

    Approved Bhaichara | Unofficial Organization

    Deserves Unofficial, they are very good family. ❤️
  19. Keshav Nandan

    Rejected CR | 92282

    ALL in POV.
  20. Keshav Nandan

    Approved Fail RP | 167630

    He collected my debt without telling me, thats fail rp. All in POV.
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