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Search results

  1. William Kingsman

    Approved stealing car in gz

    someone stole my car in front of post office.all in pov.
  2. William Kingsman

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Nana West

    i already lost 150 gc event during my ban.please tell me the proper rule.please
  3. William Kingsman

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Nana West

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/394342/#post-1433935 i already got ban for this so why this time it was rejected,because i think the rule was not changed.i always respect this server rule.please check properly anyone can ask for event pov.so why he reject i cant understand.
  4. William Kingsman

    Reviewed pov request | ID 32866

    i just want to see how he killed me through the sand pile.
  5. William Kingsman

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | ID 62187

    i just want to see how he killed me so faster in this event
  6. William Kingsman

    Rejected PG | ID 58000,31399,286,92809

    all in POV.post below the all officer took the gun from ground with on gun hold in hand.please check every pov .
  7. William Kingsman

    Approved Pov Req | 44980

    I have been playing this game for a long time around 1 yr and still now I dont get punished for any unauthorized behaviour in any combat.I always follow the rules of this server. As for the pov of that event I did record it, but unfortunately it is corrupted due to some unknown tecnical issue...
  8. William Kingsman

    Rejected Unban Aappeal for Gen Rule 1.1 | Chris Mazuko

    Sir I got banned .I want my account please unban my account. I am ready to go for money wipe please give my account back .I love this project. please sir
  9. William Kingsman

    Rejected Unban Aappeal for Gen Rule 1.1 | Chris Mazuko

    Dear LaBron Sir I got account sharing banned. I am SAHP deputy I play more than 10+ hours a day. I know these rules. I don't know why i am getting this kind of ban . just to let u know i have only one pc in my home and I use my home's Wi-Fi and sometime mobile internet(when Wi-Fi is down).if u...
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