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  1. kharoon

    Reviewed Fear RP | 27

    maximum maybe 1 or 2 guy only pointing gun to him ? why would he comply tell me
  2. kharoon

    Rejected Warn for GZ 1.1 | chanush movva

    u can check admin's pov that i didnt shoot to any stranger only to my friend and he didnt report me or smthn
  3. kharoon

    Rejected Warn for GZ 1.1 | chanush movva

    we wasnt in any rp and i just shooted to my friend id 24676
  4. kharoon

    Rejected OOC Shooting | 44321, 82889

    first of all what ooc shooting means? if he mean rdm,u are in red zone they are allowed to kill u.
  5. kharoon

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    95077 id's forum account is banned so ER 1.7
  6. kharoon

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    this is not your main forum account? your main forum account is here https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/92360/ and permanetly banned on forums. so ER 1.7 BAN
  7. kharoon

    Approved Car Ramming | ID 62342, 79722

    he rammed you only one time cuz u were standing mid of the road
  8. kharoon

    Reviewed RDM | 114568

    he using brazilian redux illegal which is with bigger hitbox
  9. kharoon

    Reviewed RDM | 114568

    check his falling effect with pc checker admin he is using hitbox i ve seen this before so many times
  10. kharoon

    Approved E.R 1.2 | 114568

    thread owner insulting to the person by saying "otistik aptal oç" in turkish. which means "autistic stupid son of a bitch"
  11. kharoon

    Rejected GR 3.1 | 82372

    where is insult i cant see?
  12. kharoon

    Reviewed Clumsy Cheat + G.R. 3.2 | 124473

    is this brazilian redux?? PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice illegal redux
  13. kharoon

    Reviewed Clumsy Cheat + G.R. 3.2 | 124473

    look how he teleporting even he doesnt do any speed boost move and sometimes i shoot him he doesnt get damage 0.28 even no blood efect shows up very sus. also i want turkish admin for Gen Rule 3.2 on video 0.37.
  14. kharoon

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

  15. kharoon

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

  16. kharoon

    Reviewed Pov req | 0000

    thread owner using illegal redux. no tracer not allowed
  17. kharoon

    Rejected GR | 3.2 16754

    his forum account banned sir
  18. kharoon

    Reviewed pov request | 45590

    ofc u dont got pov we already know that : D and u said we are crying? when u get on city come 1v1 for 5m we will see who is going to cry <33
  19. kharoon

    Reviewed pov request | 45590

    it seems like he also knows that his redux illegal and running from 60 days ban not providing pov to get only 30 days ban. plz check him with pc checker admin sir!
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